"Horai" a 1977 Ray
Richards 41 is sailed by Ed Van Keuren.

Ed sent the
following email:
I have sailed
"HORAI" over 50,000 mile including a circumnavigation. The
boat has done two circumnavigations |
1979 Ray Richards 41 is
sailed by
Terry & Elaine McCarroll
Hi James and Cilla
On October 14th we crossed our outbound track on
the east coast of Australia thus completing a 12
year circumnavigation of the world in our Cheoylee
41 ' Virgos Child'. A no time did we feel that she
was ever going to let us down. On our way around we
encountered several of our sisterships in exotic
ports which is a great testament to the
seakindlyness of these vintage cruisers. All in a
great trip in a great vessel
Terry and Elaine McCarroll" |
"Good Grief"
a Motorsailor 63, made a
circumnavigation under the command of the previous
owner Rodger Moore.
"Renegade" a
1973 Offshore 50 Ketch is sailed by Peter and Josette Werk
Peter and Josette sailed around the world beginning
in 1977, returned to Nouméa (New-Calédonia)
in 1978 and has been in Tahiti from September 1979 to this date in
Tahiti |
a 52' Motorsailor, is
sailed by Maurice & Eveline
Over the past three years they have sailed with their 3 boys around
the world and last August they completed a circumnavigation in the
Mediterranean. |
is a 1978 Luders 36 and is sailed by Shraga Renyi
from Tel Aviv
Agnus (ex Silver Down of Hong Kong), yard #3249). The yacht
is sailed from East Mediterranean to Darwin Australia via the
Mediterranean, Atlantic and the Pacific, visiting the Caribbean's
and many Pacific islands. During the next 12 month I plan to finish
the circumnavigation via the Indian Ocean, Red Sea and
Mediterranean |
"Panacea" - 1980 Perry 48
is sailed by Sue & Rick Johnston from Florida
Circumnavigation begun
2007, currently in South Pacific
We purchased Panacea in 2006 in Trinidad. We have added a stainless
steel arch for wind, solar, and davits. We have a Fleming selfsteering windvane as well. We transited the Panama canal in May
2008 and are currently in Pago Pago American Samoa. Panacea provides
a comfortable safe ride and we are teaching her to go downwind! |
"Petrana" -
1968 Offshore 50 Ketch
OWNER - Paul Deeth,
In 1968 Cheoy Lee built an Offshore 50 for me which my
wife and I named Petrana. I owned her for 30 years
before selling her to my son, Paul, who still owns her.
I based her in Antigua but sailed her extensively throughout
the Caribbean and then the Mediterranean, including the
Black Sea and Russia.
My wife and I made a circumnavigation during 1982-87
Petrana is still here in Antigua and Paul cruised in her and
races her every year in Antigua Classic Week, Peter Deeth. |
Hi James & Cilla,
I happened on your site when in a fit of nostalgia I typed
"VERTUE" into a search engine. I owned SN 106, Kainui, for a
number of years -- I bought her, in fact, from Peter Kinsey soon after
he was hit by the storm he describes in the article you have posted on
your site.
Kainui and I sailed from Juneau, Alaska in 1985 and completed a four
year, 37,000 mile circumnavigation. When I left Juneau, I had sailed
all of two weekends and hadn't a clue what I was doing; I was,
however, in good hands -- Kainui's -- and she never let me down. In
the trades our noon to noons averaged 130 miles, her best day was 154
(she did not have an inboard and so had no prop to drag). She was a
bit slow to weather but she could take a beating that would have
pounded other boats to bits.
Kainui was Cheoy Lee built in 1960 and the yard did a fine job -- my
only complaints were the iron floors fastened with copper rivets which
caused some galvanic rot in the ribs and her chain plates, which were
doubled 1/4" mild steel . They had completely rotted out when I
reached Australia -- scraping off the rust scale with a chisel one
day, I poked a hole clean thru the port plate. I replaced them with
5/16" stainless steel plates that were mounted on the exterior of
the hull.
I sold her in 1992 and her new owner has rebuilt her from the hull up.
He and his sweetie hope to take her off shore sometime in the next few
Russell Heath
PS I have an Alaskan friend who bought a glass Vertue, sailed it
across the Atlantic, trucked it across Mexico and off California was
knocked down in a gale -- he lost his rig and the boat's water tanks
(they were glassed into the hull) ripped out and he lost all his fresh
water. He was three days drifting and considerably thirsty when a
passing freighter lifted him and his boat on deck. |

"Mon Ami" -
1977 Clipper 33
OWNERS - Don Townsend
E-Mail Don
I am the original owner of a 33’ Cheoy Lee Clipper, Luders design,
built in 1977. Her home port is Sausalito, CA
In 1981 I sailed “Mon Ami” from San Francisco to Acapulco, to
Hawaii, and back to San Francisco, a one year journey. On the way back from Hawaii we
hit 35 foot seas in a full gale. Twice she went under for a few
seconds, popped up, and we sailed on.
She has always been maintained in Bristol condition. Over the past 5
years she has gotten a new deck, new engine, and many other
upgrades. 11/14 years ago I began a complete restoration process that has become a
hobby which is gotten way out of control. Ha!
Mon Ami may very well be the best restored clipper 33 in the world. New
decks, new Yanmar engine, new standing rigging, new interior, etc….
Absolutely stunning!
Thought you guys might enjoy these photographs. Just returned from a
great sail down the coast from Sausalito, CA where she is birthed, to
Santa Cruz, Monterey, and Still Water Cove at Pebble Beach. The photos
have all been sized for the web. If you decide to display these photos
on your sight, please let me know so I can check it out. Thanks!
Oct 2016
We have put together a page of photos of "Mon Ami".
Click Here for
page. James & Cilla |

"China Blue" a Cheoy Lee a 40' Trawler, made a
20,000 mile trip from Hong Kong to Florida sailed by
Shep Root.
Click Here for the 1978 article in "Motor
Boating and Sailing" magazine on this cruise |

(yard #4568, 145’ Composite Motoryacht, Frank Mulder
"SeaShaw" left the yard in 1995 and headed straight
across the Pacific for some north American cruising,
before returning to her home port of Singapore.

"Marco Polo" (yard #4874, 146’ steel/GRP Motoryacht,
Ron Holland design
Marco Polo, under her original owner left the yard
in 2007 straight for the Med, then on to the US. The
boat then returned to the Med, and went back to the
US where she was sold. This is an over
simplification of some prolific cruising. Marco Polo
was sold last year, (2012) and the cruising
continues. |
"Pegasus "
is a
1971 Clipper 42' sailed by Kieron & Linda O'Connell
from Australia
Pegasus was sailed back to Australia and arrived here on 1st
August 2011. This is our second Cheoy Lee, our previous being "SEAYA"
a Offshore 31. The photo is of Pegasus at
anchor in Taiohae Bay, Nuku Hiva, Marquesis Islands, French
Polynesia after 27 days non-stop passage from California. April
2011. She is a great boat
- is a 1978
Richards 41 sailed by Jerry &
Linda Bryant

Complete retrofit, re-enforce, re-rig, re-power
'91-97, '97 Seattle to Sea of Cortez and west coast Mexico '99 Mexico
to Hawaii '99 to present chartering to all Hawaiian islands
including "unknown Hawaiian islands"
"Endless Summer" is a 1968 Cheoy Lee Alden 32 Motorsailer
sailed by Doug Villepique

James. I last wrote you that I was planning to sail to
Tahiti in my 68 Cheoy Lee Alden 32 Motorsailor, "Endless
Summer". Hey, I made it, so I kept going. We made the
crossing from Puerto Vallarta to the Marquesas in a fairly
respectable 26 days, without even using all of our diesel. I was a
bit worried about boat speed, but we made a faster passage than
many of the bigger, heavier boats.
Here for rest of story and pics
1/2013 we have heard that Doug has sold Endless
Summer |
James For a few
months I've been having occasional contacts with a man named Peter Kinsey,
who, in the mid 'eighties, sailed his Cheoy Lee Vertue from Victoria, BC to
California (pitchpoled it on the way), then to the South Pacific, primarily Tonga and
Vava'u, for three years. He wrote an article on his trip which was published in
Latitude 48. He holds the copyright. (Peter is now in the sailing and boating
business out of the Northwest-- I think Vancouver. He runs occasional charters out
of Vava'u on a 50-foot steel boat which was designed by J. Laurent Giles Co.
(who designed the Vertue) and which he describes as "a real
big Vertue."
He REALLY likes Vertues. ...
I have attached the article written about a Force 11 storm which he sailed through off the
Washington coast in his Cheoy Lee Vertue, Kainui. Though no dates were given in the
article, I believe the episode occurred in the early 1980's.
Click Here for article
Peter originally published the article in Latitude 48, but indicated that he retains
rights, and that it may be put on the web page....
Best-- Wayne (aboard "SUMATRA")
a Frisco Flyer
"Endurance" a 1970 Offshore 50 Ketch is
sailed by Jeff Copley from Venezuela
Jeff did a singlehanded delivery from Florida to
Venezuela |
"Orient Star"
is a
1969 Offshore 50 Ketch and is sailed by Ernie Copp
from Long Beach, CA
Ernie has cruised to
Mexico and Hawaii several times, and to New Zealand once. |
"Maeva Rainui"
is a
1972 Offshore 50 Ketch sailed by Tim Scudder from Rhode
I sail mostly Eastern sea board particularly the Vineyard
to Main, Nova Scotia and Bermuda. I do want to extend to any
Association member that comes across me, if your cold wet and tired,
row over and I’ll give you a hot meal, a beer and a dry berth. |
"Jennifer II"
is a
1975 Clipper 33 sailed by Bernie Tobisch
Bernie has owned
"Jennifer II" for 9 yrs, and has sailed throughout Gulf Islands, Mexico and
Hawaii |
1977 Clipper 36
sailed by the Williams from Vancouver, Canada
Lived aboard for 25 years (and still do). Their
first offshore was San Francisco - Mexico - Marquesas -
Hawaii and back to Vancouver. Then off sailing
Vancouver - Oswego, NY - Cross Lake Ontario - Kingston. |
is a
1973 Clipper 36 sailed by Brian Black
from Strangford, N.
I bought CAELAN (then named
Silver Hind) in 1996 and have upgraded the boat
significantly since then. The first priority for both
comfort and security was a doghouse to replace the
pramhood which I felt was too insubstantial for the
Arctic sailing I had in mind. Since then we have had
several Arctic seasons - Iceland/Greenland, Svalbard
twice and East Greenland again last year. Storms, ice
and flat calms, CAELAN has proved an able and seaworthy
craft. Her only vice is a waywardness in light airs
which I suspect may be due to being undercanvassed. I
have just ordered a new headsail to replace the yankee
jib to see if that rectifies the problem - any views
would be welcome. We are now engaged in the winter
re-fit and plan to launch again before Christmas with a
busy season anticipated in 2007. |
"Empress Milli Lani "
is a
1979 Clipper 48 sailed by
Prof. Rafi Boritzer from Israel
has a great website. The URL is http://www.land-sea.org
Website has information on the voyage and many pictures of
crews. Also
bought the vessel in Honolulu in 1989 and spent 7 year as a
liveaboard at the Ala Wai Marina preparing her for journey to the
Med. In 1996 we sailed to Israel via the South Pacific,
Indian Ocean, and Red Sea. Currently she sails between
Israel and Gibraltar. Her Mediterranean base is Herzelia Marina (6
miles North of Tel Aviv), Israel. |

"Euphoria II " -
Clipper 48, Jimmy
Buffet's Ex Cheoy Lee
AREA OF SAILING - S.W. Pacific, N. Zealand
James, In July 1979 I purchased from Jimmy Buffett his
Cheoy Lee Clipper 48 "EUPHORIA II", & have been
cruising it ever since; the past 9 yrs of which here in the S.W.
Pacific, basing out of New Zealand. I have the boat up to, &
maintained at, a pristine & improved condition. She is well
know in all her ports of call as the most beautiful boat of any
Click Here for page of info on
Euphoria II |
is a
1970 Clipper 36, Yard #2324 and is sailed by Derek
Lindstrom from Florida
bought my boat in 2002 I have sailed it over 8000
miles through the the Caribbean into the pacific and
back to Florida |
is a1978 Clipper 42 sailoed by Ann Selover
from Charleston, SC
Have lived on the boat for
much of the time since purchasing it in 1997. Cruised from San
Francisco south, visiting much of Baja, Mainland Mexico, Central
America, Panama, Honduras, then sailed to current location in
Charleston, SC. |
is a 1977 Luders 36 sailed by Chris Poulter from San Francisco to N. Zealand
"Yaqui" is
currently lying in New Zealand after an excellent trip from San Francisco last year.
She's a truly beautiful cruising boat - especially for short/singlehanding. |
"Flying Cloud" - 1975
Luders 36 is sailed by Ken Allen from Toronto, Canada
Flying Cloud has made a trip to the
Caribbean, and then back to thunder bay. Flying Cloud has been
constantly maintained since it purchase. |
of Maidon" is a 1978 Offshore 47 and is sailed by Nick & Joyce Dunster
from Maldon England
Formerly "Roseidon B" purchased in Greece 1994 and sailed/motored
via Med and French canals to England for major restoration.
Sailed Transatlantic 1999 and then through Caribbean to East Coast
USA. Cruised Bahamas to Maine. Now only winter
Florida/Bahamas. |
is a 1983 Cheoy Lee 63 Motorsailor owned by Frank & Florence Cotta
from Portland OR.
Lady was in San Francisco as her home port for a the last 16 yrs
and we sailed her south to Mexico and then to south the Americas
she is now lying in Bocas Del toro on her way to Corpus Christi
TX, on her way to the Caribbean |
"Second Wind" 1986' Cheoy Lee 53 Motorsailor
owned by Tom & Debbie Heitstuman from Newport
They purchased the boat in San Francisco 6/03 and sailed her to
Sasebo, Japan where they both teach school for the NAVY. Their
family of four lives on the boat at Huis Ten Bosch ( a Dutch theme
park) Life is good! |
"Tiger Lilly" - 43 Motorsailor
by Robert Perry is owned by Dennis & Julie Ayles
from Adelaide South Australia
The yacht, ‘Tiger Lilly’,
is currently in Hawaii having completed a sail from San Diego en
route to Adelaide South Australia which will be it’s home port. It
is estimated that the journey will be completed by approx August
2012. |
"Seven Tenths" - 1985 Pedrick 36'
is owned by Rod Heikell from the Mediterranean
Sail around the Med, one transatlantic, Caribbean cruise, probably
crossing back to the Caribbean and east coast USA in 2004. |
"Modesty Blaise of Hong Kong"
is a1990 Pedrick 36' owned by Robert Winter from
Hong Kong
The boat has remained in Hong Kong where it was built and is now the
last Pedrick 36 left in Hong Kong. She was renamed Beluga 2 by the
second owner, but I reverted to her original name Modesty Blaise
when I bought her in 2000. She has made the 500nm crossing from Hong
Kong to the Philippines on two occasions as part of the annual South
China Sea race, but is now mostly used for local cruises and day
sailing. |
is a Perry 35 sailed by Charlie & Mac McMillan
from Texas
and Mac have lived aboard "Intuition for most of 3
yrs and sailed her from Guam to San Diego last year
taking 83 days. |
"Born Free" - 1981 Golden Wave 42" by Robert Perry
is sailed by Bill Trayfors from the Chesapeake
Here's a recent pic of Born Free at Mayaguana Island in the Bahamas. Recently cruised her
2,000 miles from the Caribbean to U.S. East Coast. |
"Takin' Off"
a 1979 44' Robert Perry sailed by Phil Martin
from Australia
2/07 I purchased the boat in Pensacola from the Evers
back in February 2004 and sailed the boat home, arriving in
Australia last month after completing a near 10,000 mile voyage. 'Takin
Off' proved to be an excellent sea boat and averaged 136 miles a day
between the Galapagos and Hiva Oa in French Polynesia on the longest
leg of over 3000 miles. Best day 179 miles in 24 hours, and she
still had speed in reserve! |
"Legacy" -
1970 Offshore 40 is sailed by Winston Fiander from St. John's
Newfoundland, Canada
Bought in Miami from Mel Stein who was the second owner. Have sailed her
extensively throughout the Caribbean, on Lake Ontario and down the
St Lawrence to Newfoundland in 1996 |
"Interlude" - 1978 Richards 32'
is sailed by Frank & Linda Szerdahelyi from San
We purchased Interlude new in 1978
and are still the proud owners of Interlude after 26 years. We took
delivery in England and cruised the Med for 5 years and sailed
across the Atlantic to the States in 1984. Kathy and Paul were 3 & 5
years of age when we started the cruise. Interlude has been in
Southern California till the year 2000 and for the last four years
we have been sailing in Mexico. Our plans are to leave for the South
Pacific in March 2005. Interlude has taken good care of us. Linda
and I have done major restoration for the upcoming 3-5 year cruise.
Interlude looks great, sails great and we are very happy with her.
"Obsession" is a 1979 Offshore 38
sailed by Simon & Christina
Gard from
Obsession was sailed from California to
Guam in 1999 where they bought her, she is now in our Guam backyard
for an overhaul, upcoming works include...decks, pox, rotten liners,
fridge, water system, galley work, awigrip on topsiders. |
"Astarta" - 1978 Offshore 38
is sailed by Dave & Linda Black from Central
We have owned our 1978 Ray Richards 38', Offshore since 1998. Our
home port is Rio Dulce Guatemala and our cruising ground is Belize
and The Bay Islands of Honduras. We've called The Rio home since
2003, with 3 round trips to Key West during that time. We're proud
to be Cheoy Lee owners as I trust you all are. Dave and Linda aboard
Astarta. |
"Moondance" is a 1960 Lion sailed by Brian Milgate
from Australia
I spent some time making visits to New Zealand getting the yacht in
seaworthy condition, and then sailed it to Australia where I am
doing a full restoration. I changed to Australian Ship's Registry
and was able to have the name Moondance.
The yacht is close to original condition, but an aluminum mast and
a new diesel have been added.
It was built by Cheoy Lee and delivered to the USA. It was then
sailed across the Pacific to New Zealand and then by me to
Australia. I intend to sail the yacht to China as I have a Chinese
partner who sails with me. |
"CARA" - 1964 Lion 35'
is sailed by Krystyna
Wolniakowski, from Oregon
Have owned CARA since 1973, sailed her from LA to
Hawaii, Tahiti plus to San Francisco |
"Simba I"
is a 1964 Lion 35' sailed by Paul Williams & Diana Moser
Owned since 1986, Sailed from
Vancouver to Hawaii, San Diego, Mexico, Panama Canal, Costa Rica then on to BV
Islands, Venezuela and Nova Scotia
This is "Simba I" racing in the 1999 Antigua Classic
Regatta. |
"Rampant" - 1957 Lion 35'
is sailed by TC Gerrard
Purchased in Puerto Escondido, Baja Sur, Mexico in 1992.
Sailed the sea of Cortez and Mainland until 1995 when I returned
to SF. |

"Fair Lady"
is a 1963 Lion 35' sailed by James & Deni O'Shea
from Hawaii
Sailed from LA to SF and SF to Hawaii. Now enjoying
the trade winds, sun and kind waters of Kaneohe Bay,
Hawaii. Aloha." |
"Satori II"
- 1974 Clipper 42 is owned by Stoye Milburn
from Berkeley CA
Satori II is currently undergoing restoration. Stoye Milburn cruised
from Southern California through the Panama Canal en route to Panama
City, Florida when he was rammed by a Nicaraguan Gun Boat in
September 1988. Stoye was taken in to custody be the Nicaraguan
Government. He was later released and completed the journey to
Panama City. Satori II now resides in the Berkely Marina in
Berkeley, California. |